Machine Design

111. The piston rod of a steam engine is usually connected to the crosshead by means of

  1. bolted joint
  2. kunckle joint
  3. cotter joint
  4. universal joint
  5. universal coupling.

Correct answer: (C)
cotter joint

112. The pitch of threads on a Jock nut in comparison to pitch of nut is

  1. same
  2. coarser
  3. finer
  4. very coarse
  5. very fine.

Correct answer: (A)

113. The property of a material which enables it to resist fracture due to high impact loads is known as

  1. elasticity
  2. endurance
  3. strength
  4. toughness
  5. resilience.

Correct answer: (D)

114. The rated life of a bearing varies

  1. directly as load
  2. inversely as square of load
  3. inversely as cube of load
  4. inversely as fourth power of load
  5. none of the above.

Correct answer: (C)
inversely as cube of load

115. The ratio of endurance limit in shear to the endurance limit in flexure is

  1. 0.33
  2. 0.4
  3. 0.5
  4. 0.55
  5. 0.6

Correct answer: (D)

116. The resultant axial load on a bolt depends on

  1. initial tension
  2. external load applied
  3. relative elastic yielding (springness) of the bolt and the connected member
  4. (a) and (b) above
  5. (a), (b) and (c) above.

Correct answer: (E)
(a), (b) and (c) above.

117. The shear plane in case of bolts should

  1. be across threaded portion of shank
  2. be parallel to axis of bolt
  3. be normal to threaded portion of shank
  4. never be across the threaded portion
  5. none of the above.

Correct answer: (D)
never be across the threaded portion

118. The shearing stresses in the inner face as compared to outer face of the wire in a heavy close coiled spring is

  1. larger
  2. smaller
  3. equal
  4. larger/smaller depending on diameter of spring coil
  5. unpredictable.

Correct answer: (A)

119. The shock absorbing capacity of a bolt can be increased by

  1. tightening it properly
  2. increasing shank diameter
  3. grinding the shank
  4. using washer
  5. making shank diameter equal to core diameter of thread.

Correct answer: (E)
making shank diameter equal to core diameter of thread.

120. The strap end of a connecting rod of steam engine is joined by

  1. gib of cotter joint
  2. sleeve and cotter joint
  3. spigot socket cotter joint
  4. knuckle joint
  5. universal coupling.

Correct answer: (A)
gib of cotter joint

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