1. Which of the following boilers is best suited to meet fluctuating demands
Correct answer: (B)
2. 02 content in atmospheric air on volume basis is
Correct answer: (A)
3. 02 content in atmospheric air on weight basis is
Correct answer: (B)
4. 1 kg.m is equal to
Correct answer: (A)
9.81 Joules
5. 100% efficiency of a thermal cycle cannot be achieved because of
Correct answer: (B)
it is not possible to achieve 0°K temperature
6. A boiler in India should conform to safety regulations of
Correct answer: (D)
7. A fusible plug is fitted in small boilers in order to
Correct answer: (C)
extinguish fire if water level in the boiler falls below alarming limit
8. A packaged boiler is one in which various parts like firing equipment, fans, feed pumps and automatic controls are
Correct answer: (B)
supplied mounted on a single base
9. A safety valve in a locomotive starts leaking. The leaking medium will be
Correct answer: (D)
super heated steam
10. A supercritical boiler is one that operates above the pressure and temperature of following values
Correct answer: (C)
218 kg/cm2 abs and 373°C