121. The ultimate strength of steel in tension in comparison to shear is in the ratio of
Correct answer: (C)
3 : 2
122. The usual clearance provided in hydrodynamic bearing per mm of diameter of shaft is
Correct answer: (C)
1 micron
123. The valve rod in a steam engine is connected to an eccentric rod by
Correct answer: (C)
kunckle joint
124. Three different weights fall from a certain height under vacuum. They will take
Correct answer: (A)
same time to reach earth
125. Transverse fillet welded joints are designed for
Correct answer: (A)
tensile strength
126. Turn buckle has
Correct answer: (C)
left hand threads on one end and right hand threads on other end
127. When a bolt is subjected to shock loading, the resilience of the bolt should be considered in order to prevent breakage at
Correct answer: (D)
at the thread
128. When a close coiled helical spring is compressed, its wire is subjected to
Correct answer: (A)
129. When a nut is tightened by plaping a washer below it, the bolt will be subjected to following type of loads
Correct answer: (B)
130. When two springs are in series (having stiffness K), the equivalent stiffness will be
Correct answer: (B)