11. ccording to Kirchoff's law, the ratio of emissive power to absorptivity for all bodies is equal to the emissive power of a
Correct answer: (D)
black body
12. ccording to Stefan-Boltzmann law, ideal radiators emit radiant energy at a rate proportional to
Correct answer: (C)
fourth power of absolute temperature
13. ccording to Stefan's law, the total radiation from a black body per second per unit area is proportional to
Correct answer: (D)
14. ccording to Wien's law, the wavelength corresponding to maximum energy is proportion to
Correct answer: (A)
absolute temperature (T)
15. Cork is a good insulator because it has
Correct answer: (D)
porous body
16. Depending on the radiating properties, body will be transparent when
Correct answer: (C)
p = 0, T= l,anda = 0
17. Emissivity of a white polished body in comparison to a black body is
Correct answer: (B)
18. epending on the radiating properties, a body will be black when
Correct answer: (A)
p = 0, x = 0 and a = 1
19. epending on the radiating properties, a body will be opaque when
Correct answer: (D)
x - 0, a + p = 1
20. epending on the radiating properties, a body will be white when
Correct answer: (B)
p=l,T = 0anda = 0