Engineering Mechanics

1. If three forces acting in one plane upon a rigid body, keep it in equilibrium, then they must either

  1. meet in a point
  2. be all parallel
  3. at least two of them must meet
  4. all the above are correct
  5. none of the above.

Correct answer: (D)
all the above are correct

2. The maximum frictional force which comes into play when a body just begins to slide over another surface is called

  1. limiting friction
  2. sliding friction
  3. rolling friction
  4. kinematic friction
  5. dynamic friction.

Correct answer: (A)
limiting friction

3. A body moves, from rest with a constant acceleration of 5 m per sec. The distance covered in 5 sec is most nearly

  1. 38 m
  2. 62.5 m
  3. 96 m
  4. 124 m
  5. 240 m.

Correct answer: (B)
62.5 m

4. A body of weight W on inclined plane of a being pulled up by a horizontal force P will be on the point of motion up the plane when P is equal to

  1. W
  2. W sin (a + $)
  3. Wtan(a + <|))
  4. W\an(a-<t>)
  5. Wtana.

Correct answer: (C)
Wtan(a + <|))

5. A cable with a uniformly distributed load per horizontal meter run will take the following shape

  1. straight line
  2. parabola
  3. hyperbola
  4. elliptical
  5. part of a circle.

Correct answer: (B)

6. A flywheel on a motor goes from rest to 1000 rpm in 6 sec. The number of revolutions made is nearly equal to

  1. 25
  2. 50
  3. 100
  4. 250
  5. 500

Correct answer: (B)

7. A force acting on a body may

  1. introduce internal stresses
  2. balance the other forces acting on it
  3. retard its motion
  4. change its motion
  5. all of the above.

Correct answer: (E)
all of the above.

8. A force is completely defined when we specify

  1. magnitude
  2. direction
  3. point of application
  4. all of the above
  5. none of the above.

Correct answer: (D)
all of the above

9. A framed structure is perfect if it contains members equal to

  1. 2n-3
  2. n-l
  3. '2n-l
  4. n - 2
  5. 3n-2. where n = number of joints in a frame

Correct answer: (A)

10. A heavy ladder resting on floor and against a vertical wall may not be in equilibrium, if

  1. the floor is smooth, the wall is rough
  2. the floor is rough, the wall is smooth
  3. the floor and wall both are smooth surfaces
  4. the floor and wall both are rough surfaces
  5. will be in equilibrium under all conditions.

Correct answer: (C)
the floor and wall both are smooth surfaces

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