Environmental Engineering
51.Dust collection efficiency of a cyclone separator depends upon its
- Diameter
- Inlet gas velocity
- Overall height
- All (A), (B)&(C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B)&(C)
52.Ethanolamine is an absorbent used for the removal of _________ from air/gas.
- HF
- SO2
- H2S
- Both (B)&(C)
Correct answer: (D)
Both (B)&(C)
53.Exposure to chemicals having carcinogenic properties cause
- Dermatitis (skin disorder)
- Cancer
- Asphyxiation
- Asthma
Correct answer: (B)
54.Exposure to small amount of _________ results in high blood pressure&heart disease in human beings.
- Hydrogen sulphide
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Asbestos
Correct answer: (C)
55.Exposure to SO2 containing chimney gases results in the
- Reduction in strength of leather&cloth
- Acceleration of corrosion rates of metals
- Increased drying&hardening time of paints
- All (A), (B) and (C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)
56.Fine grit present in sewage is removed in the _________ during sewage treatment.
- Grit chamber
- Detritus tank
- Trickling filter
- Skimming tank
Correct answer: (B)
Detritus tank
57.Fluorosis (a bone disease) is caused by the presence of high concentration of _________ in atmospheric air.
- Hydrocarbons
- Hydrogen fluoride
- Hydrogen sulphides
- Nitrogen dioxide
Correct answer: (B)
Hydrogen fluoride
58.Fluorosis is caused due to the presence of excessive amount of _________ in drinking water.
- Mercury
- Lead
- Fluoride
- Arsenic
Correct answer: (C)
59.Foaming and priming in boiler operation can be reduced by reduction in _________ in feed water.
- Turbidity
- Color (Hazen)
- Total solids
- All (A), (B)&(C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B)&(C)
60.For existence of aquatic life in water, the dissolved oxygen content in it, should not be less than _________ ppm.
- 10000
- 5
- 500
- 1000
Correct answer: (B)