Environmental Engineering

201.The maximum CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere by

  1. Combustion
  2. Urea
  3. Biomass burning
  4. Trees
Correct answer: (A)

202.The maximum permissible noise level to which a man working in a chemical plant can be exposed for eight hours per day is about _________ decibels.

  1. 60
  2. 90
  3. 105
  4. 120
Correct answer: (B)

203.The most commonly used chemical coagulant in water treatment is

  1. Ferrous sulphate
  2. Alum
  3. Lime
  4. Hydrazine
Correct answer: (B)

204.The pH value of oxidised sewage is about

  1. 1.8
  2. 6.2
  3. 7.3
  4. 13.4
Correct answer: (C)

205.The pH value of potable water should be between

  1. 1 to 1.5
  2. 6.5 to 8
  3. 13 to 14
  4. 4 to 5
Correct answer: (B)
6.5 to 8

206.The principal gas evolved from sludge digestion tank is

  1. CO
  2. CO2
  3. CH4
  4. N2
Correct answer: (C)


207.The progressive warming up of the earth's surface is mainly due to the

  1. Automobile exhaust
  2. Blanketing effect of CO2 in the atmosphere
  3. De-forestation
  4. Thickening of ozone layer
Correct answer: (B)

Blanketing effect of CO2 in the atmosphere

208.The ratio of oxygen available to the oxygen required for stabilisation of sewage is called the

  1. Bacterial stability factor
  2. Relative stability
  3. Biological oxygen demand (BOD)
  4. Oxygen ion concentration
Correct answer: (B)
Relative stability

209.The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the

  1. Turbidity
  2. Color
  3. Hardness
  4. Dissolved gases
Correct answer: (A)

210.The term Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is used in relation to

  1. Potable water
  2. Cooling water
  3. Distilled water
  4. Industrial effluents
Correct answer: (D)
Industrial effluents
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