Environmental Engineering

151.Presence of _________ hardness is responsible for the temporary hardness in water.

  1. Carbonate
  2. Calcium
  3. Chloride
  4. Sulphate
Correct answer: (B)

152.Presence of _________ in water stream are deleterious to aquatic life.

  1. Soluble and toxic organics
  2. Suspended solids
  3. Heavy metals and cyanides
  4. All (A), (B)&(C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B)&(C)

153.Presence of a certain minimum quantity of fluorine is desirable in potable water to prevent

  1. Dental cavities
  2. Scale formation
  3. Water-borne disease
  4. Corrosion
Correct answer: (A)
Dental cavities

154.Presence of bacteria in potable (drinking) water causes

  1. Turbidity
  2. Disease
  3. Bad odour
  4. Bad taste&colour
Correct answer: (B)

155.Presence of carbon monoxide in atmosphere produced by decomposition of chlorophyll and haemoglobin breakdown of some animals, beyond TLV (>50 ppm)

  1. Acts as a green house gas thereby raising earth's temperature
  2. Causes asphyxia
  3. Causes increase in sea level
  4. Enhances the green house effect
Correct answer: (B)
Causes asphyxia

156.Presence of dissolved impurities of _________ is responsible for the red brownish color of water.

  1. Carbonates
  2. Bi-carbonates
  3. Iron&manganese
  4. Arsenic
Correct answer: (C)

157.Presence of excess fluorine in water causes

  1. Dental cavity
  2. Tooth decay
  3. Fluorosis
  4. Respiratory disease
Correct answer: (C)

158.Presence of high concentration of ozone and smog in atmospheric air causes the

  1. Embrittlement&decrease of folding resistance of paper
  2. Cracking of rubber products
  3. Fading of dye on textiles
  4. Damage of electrical insulator on high tension power line
Correct answer: (B)
Cracking of rubber products

159.Presence of iron and manganese in water causes

  1. Reduction in its dissolved oxygen content
  2. Discoloration of bathroom fixtures
  3. Temporary hardness
  4. None of these
Correct answer: (B)
Discoloration of bathroom fixtures

160.Presence of nitrates in water in excess of 50 ppm causes

  1. Methemoglobinemia
  2. Gastroenteritis
  3. Asphyxiation
  4. Tooth decay
Correct answer: (A)
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