Environmental Engineering

101.Limestone powder is injected during pulverised coal burning in boilers to _________ the flue gases.

  1. Reduce SO2 content in
  2. Catalytically convert SO2 to SO3 in
  3. Increase the dew point of
  4. None of these
Correct answer: (A)

Reduce SO2 content in

102.Lung cancer&DNA breakage are the major ill effects of excessive ozone exposure to human beings. Ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere is mainly caused by the presence of

  1. CO2
  2. SO2
  3. Hydrocarbons
  4. CFC (chloro fluoro carbon)
Correct answer: (D)
CFC (chloro fluoro carbon)

103.Main pollutant present in automobile exhaust is

  1. CO
  2. CO2
  3. NO
  4. Hydrocarbons
Correct answer: (A)

104.Main pollutants released from iron&steel industry is

  1. CO, CO2&SO2
  2. H2S, NO&SO3
  3. CO2, H2S&NO2
  4. SO3, NO2&CO2
Correct answer: (A)


105.Main pollutants released from petroleum refineries is

  1. CO, SO2&H2S
  2. CO2, NO&SO2
  3. CO2, H2S&NO2
  4. SO2, NO2&CO2
Correct answer: (A)


106.Major sources of noise in furnace operation arises from air inspirators, combustion, side wall vibrations and fluctuation in the process heat load. A 50% increase in fuel firing rate may increase the furnace noise level by about _________ decibels.

  1. 3
  2. 30
  3. 7
  4. 70
Correct answer: (A)

107.Maximum allowable concentration of CO2 in air for safe working is _________ ppm (parts per million).

  1. 50
  2. 1000
  3. 2000
  4. 5000
Correct answer: (D)

108.Maximum allowable noise exposure limits for a man working for 8 hours a day in a noisy chemical plant is about _________ decibels.

  1. 20
  2. 60
  3. 90
  4. 120
Correct answer: (C)

109.Maximum permissible concentration (i.e. TLV) of DDT in public water supply system is _________ micro gram (μ g)/litre.

  1. 22
  2. 42
  3. 332
  4. 1050
Correct answer: (B)

110.Maximum permissible limit of industrial noise as recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO) is _________ decibels.

  1. 35
  2. 75
  3. 95
  4. 105
Correct answer: (B)
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