81. What sensor provides a change of resistance with typical power range of 1μW to 10mW and with maximum frequency greater than 100GHz?
Correct answer: (D)
Thermistor sensor
82. What sensor provides a dc voltage approximately 1 V at 10 mW?
Correct answer: (A)
Diode sensor
83. What type of instrument is the watt-hour meter?
Correct answer: (A)
An integrating
84. What type of meter gives a precise reading on voltage, current or resistance where there is the generation of samples at the input and then feeds it to a digital read-out?
Correct answer: (C)
85. When both deflecting and controlling torque act, the pointer of an indicating instrument comes to
Correct answer: (A)
86. When current through the operating coil of a moving-iron instrument is tripled the operating force becomes
Correct answer: (C)
nine times
87. When should a fuse be replaced with a higher rated unit?
Correct answer: (A)
88. When the vertical input is 0V, the electron beam may be positioned at the __________ of the screen
Correct answer: (B)
vertical center
89. Which dynamometer type has uniform scale?
Correct answer: (A)
90. Which instrument is the most sensitive?
Correct answer: (D)
Permanent-magnet moving coil