Solid State Devices

191. Varistors are used for line filtering to eliminate spikes and dips and is also called

  1. Transient regulator
  2. Transient limiter
  3. Transient filter
  4. Transient suppressor

Correct answer: (D)
Transient suppressor

192. What are often called square law devices?

  1. Transistors
  2. Diodes
  3. SCRs
  4. JFETs

Correct answer: (D)

193. What are the electrons at the outermost shell which are usually weakly attracted by the core such that an outside force can easily dislodge these electrons from the atom?

  1. Free electrons
  2. Orbiting electrons
  3. Bound electrons
  4. Loose electrons

Correct answer: (A)
Free electrons

194. What are the majority current carriers in the N-type silicon?

  1. Free electrons
  2. Holes
  3. Bounded electrons
  4. Protons

Correct answer: (A)
Free electrons

195. What are the solid state gallium arsenide devices that emit beam of radiant flux when forward biased?

  1. LEDs
  2. Photoconductive cells
  3. IR emitters
  4. Photodiodes

Correct answer: (C)
IR emitters

196. What are the three terminals of a FET?

  1. Gate, source and drain
  2. Plate, cathode and grid
  3. Gate source and battery
  4. Input, output and ground

Correct answer: (A)
Gate, source and drain

197. What are the two possible breakdown mechanisms in pn junction diodes?

  1. Reverse and breakdown effects
  2. Threshold and knee effects
  3. Avalanche and forward effects
  4. Zener and avalanche effects

Correct answer: (B)
Threshold and knee effects

198. What capacitors are used in transistor amplifiers?

  1. Mica
  2. Air
  3. Electrolytic
  4. Paper

Correct answer: (C)

199. What device uses a material catwhisker as its anode and is classified as a hot-carrier diode?

  1. PIN
  2. Point-contact diode
  3. Shockley diode
  4. Crystal diode

Correct answer: (B)
Point-contact diode

200. What device whose internal capacitance varies with the applied voltage?

  1. Zener diode
  2. Photodiode
  3. Tunnel diode
  4. Varactor diode

Correct answer: (D)
Varactor diode

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