71. The armature current of the synchronous motor has higher values for
Correct answer: (C)
both (a) and (b)
72. The back e.m.f. in the stator of a synchronous motor depends on
Correct answer: (D)
rotor excitation
73. The back e.m.f. of a synchronous motor depends on
Correct answer: (C)
load angle
74. The construction of a synchronous motor resembles
Correct answer: (C)
an alternator
75. The coupling angle or load angle of synchronous motor is defined as the angle between the
Correct answer: (B)
rotor and the stator poles of opposite polarity
76. The duration of sudden snort-circuit test on a synchronous motor is usually about
Correct answer: (C)
one second
77. The effect of increasing the load on a synchronous motor running with normal excitation is to
Correct answer: (C)
increase armature current but decrease power factor
78. The efficiency of a properly designed synchronous motor will usually fall in range
Correct answer: (C)
85 to 95%
79. The induced e.m.f. in a synchronous motor working on leading power factor will be
Correct answer: (A)
more than the supply voltage
80. The magnitude of field flux in a 3-phase synchronous motor
Correct answer: (A)
remains constant at all loads