91. The oscillations in a synchronous motor can be damped out by
Correct answer: (C)
providing damper bars in the rotor pole faces
92. The percentage slip in case of a synchronous motor is
Correct answer: (D)
93. The power developed by a synchronous motor will be maximum when the load angle is
Correct answer: (C)
94. The power factor of a synchronous motor is better than that of induction motor because
Correct answer: (A)
stator supply is relieved of responsibility of producing magnetic field
95. The ratio of starting torque to running torque in a synchronous motor is
Correct answer: (A)
96. The rotor copper losses, in a synchronous motor, are met by
Correct answer: (A)
d.c. source
97. The shaft of synchronous motor is made of
Correct answer: (A)
mild steel
98. The size of a synchronous motor decreases with the increase in
Correct answer: (A)
flux density
99. The speed of a synchronous motor
Correct answer: (C)
always remains constant
100. The speed regulation of a synchronous motor is always
Correct answer: (D)