51. Ward-Leonard controlled D.C. drives are generally used for _________ excavators.
Correct answer: (C)
Heavy duty
52. When the load is above _________ a synchronous motor is found to be more economical.
Correct answer: (D)
100 kW
53. Which feature, while selecting a.motor for centrifugal pump, will be of least significance?
Correct answer: (D)
Speed control
54. Which of the following alternatives will be cheaper?
Correct answer: (A)
A 100 H.P. AC. three phase motor
55. Which of the following happens when star-delta starter is used?
Correct answer: (C)
Both (a) and (b)
56. Which of the following is essentially needed while selecting a motor?
Correct answer: (B)
57. Which of the following machines has heavy fluctuation of load?
Correct answer: (B)
Punching machine
58. Which of the following motors are best for the rolling mills?
Correct answer: (D)
D.C. motors
59. Which of the following motors are pre-ferred for overhead travelling cranes?
Correct answer: (C)
Short time rated motors
60. Which of the following motors has series characteristics?
Correct answer: (B)
Repulsion motor