11. An ammeter is connected in with the circuit element whose current we wish to measure
Correct answer: (A)
12. An ammeter should have ___________ resistance
Correct answer: (C)
Very low
13. An ideal ammeter has resistance
Correct answer: (C)
14. For display of signal pattern ___________ voltage is applied to the horizontal plates of a CRO
Correct answer: (C)
15. If 2% of the main current is to be passed through a galvanometer of resistance G, then resistance of the shunt required is ___________.
Correct answer: (B)
16. If a multimeter has a sensitivity of 1000 O per volt and reads 50 V full scale, its internal resistance is ___________.
Correct answer: (B)
50 kO
17. If the full-scale deflection current of a multimeter is 50 µA, its sensitivity is ___________.
Correct answer: (D)
20 kO/V
18. If the negative potential on the control grid of CRT is increased, the intensity of spot ___________.
Correct answer: (B)
Is decreased
19. The horizontal plates of a CRO are supplied with to ___________ observe the waveform of signal.
Correct answer: (C)
Sawtooth wave
20. The input resistance of a VTVM is about ___________.
Correct answer: (D)
10 MO