Electronic Circuits

61. If Av is 50 Ai is 200, what is the power gain of a common emitter amplifier?

  1. 1000
  2. 10000
  3. 100
  4. 100000

Correct answer: (B)

62. If gain without feedback and feedback factor are A and β respectively, then gain with negative feedback is given by

  1. Al 1-A β
  2. A/ 1+ A β
  3. 1+A β l A
  4. (1+A β) A

Correct answer: (B)
A/ 1+ A β

63. If the capacitor from emitter to ground in a common emitter amplifier is removed, the voltage gain

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Becomes erratic
  4. Remains the same

Correct answer: (B)

64. If the noise factor of an ideal amplifier expressed in dB, then it is

  1. 0
  2. 0.1
  3. 1
  4. 10

Correct answer: (A)

65. If you move towards an oscillating circuit, its frequency changes because of

  1. Hand capacitance
  2. Movement of the body
  3. Noise of foot
  4. Stray capacitance

Correct answer: (A)
Hand capacitance

66. In a class A amplifier, the output signal is

  1. Distorted
  2. The same as the input
  3. Clipped
  4. Smaller in amplitude than the input

Correct answer: (B)
The same as the input

67. In a Colpitt's oscillator, feedback is obtained

  1. By magnetic induction
  2. By a tickler coil
  3. From the center of split capacitors
  4. From the center of split inductors

Correct answer: (C)
From the center of split capacitors

68. In a multistage amplifier, if the stages have R and C component only, _________ operation is apparent.

  1. Class B
  2. Class C
  3. Class A
  4. Class AB

Correct answer: (C)
Class A

69. In a phase shift oscillator, 180° phase-shift is obtained

  1. A transformer
  2. LC tank circuit
  3. Three RC sections
  4. Three LC sections

Correct answer: (C)
Three RC sections

70. In a phase-shift oscillator, _________ RC sections are generally used.

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Two
  4. Five

Correct answer: (A)

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