Control Systems

81. The viscous friction co-efficient, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to

  1. charge
  2. resistance
  3. reciprocal of inductance
  4. reciprocal of conductance

Correct answer: (B)

82. Transfer function of a system is used to calculate which of the following?

  1. The order of the system
  2. The time constant
  3. The output for any given input
  4. The steady state gain

Correct answer: (C)
The output for any given input

83. Velocity error constant of a system is measured when the input to the system is unit function.

  1. parabolic
  2. ramp
  3. impulse
  4. step

Correct answer: (B)

84. When the initial conditions of a system are specified to be zero it implies that the system is

  1. at rest without any energy stored in it
  2. working normally with reference input
  3. working normally with zero reference input
  4. at rest but stores energy

Correct answer: (D)
at rest but stores energy

85. Which of the following can be measured by the use of a tachogenerator?

  1. Acceleration
  2. Speed
  3. Speed and acceleration
  4. Displacement

Correct answer: (B)

86. Which of the following devices are commonly used as error detectors in instruments?

  1. Vernistats
  2. Microsyns
  3. Resolvers
  4. Any of the above

Correct answer: (D)
Any of the above

87. Which of the following devices is used for conversion of co-ordinates?

  1. Microsyn
  2. Selsyn
  3. Synchro-resolver
  4. Synchro-transformer

Correct answer: (C)

88. Which of the following is an electromagnetically device?

  1. Induction relay
  2. Thermocouple
  3. LVDT
  4. Any of the above

Correct answer: (C)

89. Which of the following is an open loop control system?

  1. Field controlled D.C. motor
  2. Ward leonard control
  3. Metadyne
  4. Stroboscope

Correct answer: (A)
Field controlled D.C. motor

90. Which of the following is exhibited by Root locus diagrams?

  1. The poles of the transfer function for a set of parameter values
  2. The bandwidth of the system
  3. The response of a system to a step input
  4. The frequency response of a system

Correct answer: (A)
The poles of the transfer function for a set of parameter values

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