Control Systems

61. technique gives quick transient and stability response

  1. Root locus
  2. Bode
  3. Nyquist
  4. Nichols

Correct answer: (A)
Root locus

62. technique is not applicable to nonlinear system?

  1. Nyquist Criterion
  2. Quasi linearization
  3. Functional analysis
  4. Phase-plane representation

Correct answer: (A)
Nyquist Criterion

63. The band width, in a feedback amplifier.

  1. remains unaffected
  2. decreases by the same amount as the gain increase
  3. increases by the sane saaaajajt as the gain decrease
  4. decreases by the same amount as the gain decrease

Correct answer: (C)
increases by the sane saaaajajt as the gain decrease

64. The capacitance, in force-current analogy, is analogous to

  1. momentum
  2. velocity
  3. displacement
  4. mass

Correct answer: (D)

65. The effect of error damping is to

  1. provide larger settling lime
  2. delay the response
  3. reduce steady state error
  4. any of the above

Correct answer: (C)
reduce steady state error

66. The first order control system, which is well designed, has a

  1. small bandwidth
  2. negative time constant
  3. large negative transfer function pole
  4. none of the above

Correct answer: (C)
large negative transfer function pole

67. The frequency and time domain are related through which of the following?

  1. Laplace Transform and Fourier Integral
  2. Laplace Transform
  3. Fourier Integral
  4. Either (b) or (c)

Correct answer: (A)
Laplace Transform and Fourier Integral

68. The initial response when tne output is not equal to input is called

  1. Transient response
  2. Error response
  3. Dynamic response
  4. Either of the above

Correct answer: (A)
Transient response

69. The output of a feedback control system must be a function of

  1. reference and output
  2. reference and input
  3. input and feedback signal
  4. output and feedback signal

Correct answer: (A)
reference and output

70. The phase lag produced by transportation relays

  1. is independent of frequency
  2. is inverseh’proportional to frequency
  3. increases linearly with frequency
  4. decreases linearly with frequency

Correct answer: (C)
increases linearly with frequency

71. The position and velocity errors of a type-2 system are

  1. constant, constant
  2. constant, infinity
  3. zero, constant
  4. zero, zero

Correct answer: (C)
zero, constant

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