Control Systems

41. In force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to

  1. current
  2. charge
  3. inductance
  4. capacitance

Correct answer: (A)

42. In liquid level and electrical system analogy, voltage is considered analogous to

  1. head
  2. liquid flow
  3. liquid flow rate
  4. none of the above

Correct answer: (A)

43. In open loop system

  1. the control action depends on the size of the system
  2. the control action depends on system variables
  3. the control action depends on the input signal
  4. the control action is independent of the output

Correct answer: (D)
the control action is independent of the output

44. In order to increase the damping of a badly underdamped system which of following compensators may be used?

  1. Phase-lead
  2. Phase-lag
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Either (a) and (b)

Correct answer: (A)

45. In pneumatic control systems the control valve used as final control element converts

  1. pressure signal to electric signal
  2. pressure signal to position change
  3. electric signal to pressure signal
  4. position change to pressure signal

Correct answer: (B)
pressure signal to position change

46. In thermal-electrical analogy charge is considered analogous to

  1. heat flow
  2. reciprocal of heat flow
  3. reciprocal of temperature
  4. temperature

Correct answer: (D)

47. increases the steady state accuracy.

  1. Integrator
  2. Differentiator
  3. Phase lead compensator
  4. Phase lag compensator

Correct answer: (A)

48. is a closed loop system.

  1. Auto-pilot for an aircraft
  2. Direct current generator
  3. Car starter
  4. Electric switch

Correct answer: (A)
Auto-pilot for an aircraft

49. is a part of the human temperature control system.

  1. Digestive system
  2. Perspiration system
  3. Ear
  4. Leg movement

Correct answer: (B)
Perspiration system

50. is an open loop control system.

  1. Ward Leonard control
  2. Field controlled D.C. motor
  3. Stroboscope
  4. Metadyne

Correct answer: (B)
Field controlled D.C. motor

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