51. Which is proper subset designed to support ‘views’ belonging to different classes of users in order to hid or protect information:
Correct answer: (B)
52. A data dictionary is a repository that manages ___________:
Correct answer: (C)
53. Which languages are used to define and query a database:
Correct answer: (A)
54. DDL stand for:
Correct answer: (A)
Data definition language
55. Which are the not most frequently used DDL statements:
Correct answer: (D)
None of these
56. VDL stand for:
Correct answer: (C)
View definition languages
57. SDL stands for
Correct answer: (B)
Storage definition languages
58. The DDL is used to specify the ___________:
Correct answer: (A)
Conceptual schemas
59. The SDL is used to specify the ___________:
Correct answer: (B)
Internal schemas
60. DML stands for:
Correct answer: (D)
Data manipulation languages