Data Structures

111. The number of swapping needed to sort numbers 8,22,7,9,31,19,5,13 in ascending order using bubble sort is ?

  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 14

Correct answer: (D)

112. The OS of a computer may periodically collect all the deleted space onto the free storage list. This technique is called _________.

  1. buffering.
  2. garbage collection.
  3. deal location.
  4. buffer collection.

Correct answer: (B)
garbage collection.

113. The pointer of the last node contains a special value called_________.

  1. null pointer.
  2. index pointer.
  3. pointer link.
  4. address pointer.

Correct answer: (B)
index pointer.

114. The possibility of two different keys k1 & k2 yielding the same hash address is called__________.

  1. merge.
  2. obstacle.
  3. overlapping.
  4. collision.

Correct answer: (C)

115. The Postfix equivalent of the Prefix Notation * + ab - cd is

  1. ab + cd - *
  2. abcd +-*
  3. ab+cd*-
  4. ab+-cd*

Correct answer: (A)
ab + cd - *

116. The queue which wraps around upon reaching the end of the array is called as_________.

  1. circular queue.
  2. linked queue.
  3. doubly linked list.
  4. representation of queue.

Correct answer: (A)
circular queue.

117. The sequence (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) . . . . represents _________.

  1. row major order.
  2. column major order.
  3. random order.
  4. successive order.

Correct answer: (B)
column major order.

118. The situation in linked list START = NULL is called _________

  1. Overflow
  2. Underflow
  3. Zero
  4. None of the above

Correct answer: (B)

119. The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by_________.

  1. counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm.
  2. counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm.
  3. counting the average memory needed by the algorithm.
  4. counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm.

Correct answer: (A)
counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm.

120. The special list which consists of unused memory space is called __________.

  1. Free space.
  2. Empty space.
  3. Available space.
  4. Free storage list.

Correct answer: (D)
Free storage list.

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