51. ____________ interface is an entity that controls data transfer from external device, main memory and or CPU registers:
Correct answer: (A)
I/O interface
52. The operating mode of I/O devices is ____________ for different device:
Correct answer: (B)
53. To resolve problems of I/O devices there is a special hardware component between CPU and ____________ to supervise and synchronize all input output transfers:
Correct answer: (C)
54. IDE is a ____________ controller:
Correct answer: (A)
55. In devices, controller is used for ____________:
Correct answer: (A)
Buffering the data
56. By which signal flow of traffic between internal and external devices is done:
Correct answer: (C)
Control and timing signal
57. In devices 2 status reporting signals are:
Correct answer: (C)
Both a & b
58. I/O module must recognize a ____________ address for each peripheral it controls:
Correct answer: (C)
59. Each interaction b/w CPU and I/O module involves:
Correct answer: (A)
Bus arbitration
60. Which are 4 types of commands received by an interface:
Correct answer: (A)
Control, status, data output, data input