91. ____________ method is used to establish priority by serially connecting all devices that request an interrupt:
Correct answer: (B)
Daisy chaining
92. In daisy chaining device 0 will pass signal only if it has:
Correct answer: (B)
No interrupt request
93. VAD stands for:
Correct answer: (A)
Vector address
94. ____________ interrupt method uses a register whose bits are set separately by interrupt signal for each device:
Correct answer: (A)
Parallel priority interrupt
95. ____________ register is used whose purpose is to control status of each interrupt request in parallel priority interrupt:
Correct answer: (D)
96. The ANDed output of bits of interrupt register and mask register are set as input of:
Correct answer: (B)
Priority encoder
97. Which 2 output bits of priority encoder are the part of vector address for each interrupt source in parallel priority interrupt:
Correct answer: (A)
A0 and A1
98. of A0 and A1 output bits of priority encoder in parallel priority:
Correct answer: (B)
Tell subroutine which device is to entertained and stored in VAD
99. When CPU invokes a subroutine it performs following functions:
Correct answer: (D)
Both a & b
100. DMAC stands for:
Correct answer: (A)
Direct memory access controller