Computer Graphics

61. CAD means

  1. Car aided design
  2. Computer art design
  3. Computer aided design
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Computer aided design

62. CMYK model are used for

  1. Computer display
  2. Printing
  3. Painting
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)

63. CMYK true color model has ____________ color depth

  1. 24bit
  2. 32bit
  3. 64bit
  4. None

Correct answer: (B)

64. Color apparent in additive model are the result of

  1. Reflected light
  2. Transmission of light
  3. Flow of light
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)
Transmission of light

65. Color apparent in subtractive model are the result of

  1. Amount of Reflected light
  2. Transmission of light
  3. Flow of light
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Amount of Reflected light

66. Color depth can be defined by ____________ which can be displayed on a display unit

  1. Bits per pixel
  2. Bytes per pixel
  3. Megabyte per pixel
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Bits per pixel

67. Computer graphics is used in many DTP software as

  1. Photoshop
  2. Paint brush
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Both a & b

68. Computer graphics was first used by

  1. William fetter in 1960
  2. James fetter in 1969
  3. James gosling in 1991
  4. John Taylor in 1980

Correct answer: (A)
William fetter in 1960

69. Computer of present time have much higher memory and ____________ storage capacity

  1. Much smaller
  2. Much bigger
  3. Much slower
  4. None

Correct answer: (B)
Much bigger

70. CRT means

  1. Common ray tube
  2. Cathode ray tube
  3. Common ray tube
  4. None

Correct answer: (B)
Cathode ray tube

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