Computer Graphics

51. Analogue method is also known as

  1. Normal method
  2. Buffered method
  3. Real time or memory less method
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Real time or memory less method

52. Any CRT based display must be refreshing at least ____________ times a second

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 40
  4. 10

Correct answer: (B)

53. Apart from the basic transformation , ____________ are also used

  1. Shearing
  2. Reflection
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Both a & b

54. Basic geometric transformation include

  1. Translation
  2. Rotation
  3. Scaling
  4. All of these

Correct answer: (D)
All of these

55. Beam penetration method is used in

  1. Random scan system
  2. Raster scan system
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Random scan system

56. Bezier sp line always passes through

  1. First and second control point
  2. Does not pass from First and second control point
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
First and second control point

57. Bresanham circle algorithm uses the approach of

  1. Midpoint
  2. Point
  3. Line
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)

58. By using the attributes of segment , we can ____________ any segment

  1. Change
  2. Control
  3. Print
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)

59. By which ,we can take a view of an object from different directions and different distances

  1. Projection
  2. Rotation
  3. Translation
  4. Scaling

Correct answer: (A)

60. By which more complex objects can be constructed

  1. Quadric surfaces
  2. Wire frame model
  3. Composite transformation
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Quadric surfaces

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