Water Supply Engineering

321. When the reduced level of the water source is higher than the reduced level of the consumer's place, water is generally supplied

  1. By pumping system
  2. By gravitational system
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (B)
By gravitational system

322. While designing a water supply of an industrial township, industrial and commercial water demand of total supply, is assumed

  1. 0.1
  2. 10 to 15 %
  3. 15 to 20 %
  4. 20 to 25 %

Correct answer: (D)
20 to 25 %

323. While determining the yield of open wells by the pumping test

  1. Velocity of recharging water, increases with depression head
  2. Depression head resulting at critical velocity, is called critical depression head
  3. Working head is generally limited to ⅓rd of the critical depression head
  4. Maximum safe yield of an open well, is expected at critical depression head

Correct answer: (D)
Maximum safe yield of an open well, is expected at critical depression head

324. While selecting the location of an intake for collecting surface water, the factor considered, is

  1. The intake point should be near as far as possible to the treatment plant
  2. The intake point should be in purer zone of the water source
  3. The intake point in meandering rivers should be on concave banks
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

325. Yield of a drainage basin is:

  1. Run off of the area expressed as instantaneous rate
  2. Average run off over a short period
  3. Total volume of water flowing annually
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (C)
Total volume of water flowing annually

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