Surveying and Levelling

61. Diopter is the power of a lens having a focal length of

  1. 25 cm
  2. 50 cm
  3. 75 cm
  4. 100 cm

Correct answer: (D)
100 cm

62. Direct method of contouring is

  1. A quick method
  2. Adopted for large surveys only
  3. Most accurate method
  4. Suitable for hilly terrains

Correct answer: (C)
Most accurate method

63. Diurnal variation of magnetic declination is

  1. Greater at equator than nearer the poles
  2. Less at equator than nearer the poles
  3. Less in summer than in winter
  4. Same at all latitudes and during different months

Correct answer: (AXXBXXXA)
Less at equator than nearer the poles

64. Dumpy level is most suitable when

  1. The instrument is to be shifted frequently
  2. Fly levelling is being done over long distance
  3. Many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument
  4. All of the above

Correct answer: (C)
Many readings are to be taken from a single setting of the instrument

65. During levelling if back sight is more than foresight

  1. The forward staff is at lower point
  2. The back staff is at lower point
  3. The difference in level, cannot be ascertained
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)
The back staff is at lower point

66. During secular variation of magnetic meridian at different places

  1. Range of oscillations is constant
  2. Period of oscillation is constant
  3. Range and period of oscillation both vary
  4. Period of oscillation only varies

Correct answer: (C)
Range and period of oscillation both vary

67. Flint glass

  1. Has slightly the greater refracting power than crown glass
  2. Has roughly double refracting power than that of crown
  3. And crown glass proportions yield the required focal length and neutralise the dispersion produced by the convex lens at the emergence from the concave
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

68. For a closed traverse the omitted measurements may be calculated

  1. Length of one side only
  2. Bearing of one side only
  3. Both length and bearing of one side
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

69. For a curve of radius 100 m and normal chord 10 m, the Rankine's deflection angle, is

  1. 0°25'.95
  2. 0°35'.95
  3. 1°25'.53
  4. 2°51'.53

Correct answer: (D)

70. For a tachometer the additive and multiplying constants are respectively

  1. 0 and 100
  2. 100 and 0
  3. 0 and 0
  4. 100 and 100

Correct answer: (A)
0 and 100

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