RCC Structures Design

31. An R.C.C beam of 25 cm width has a clear span of 5 metres and carries a U.D.L. of 2000 kg/m inclusive of its self weight. If the lever arm of the section is 45 cm., the beam is

  1. Safe in shear
  2. Is safe with stirrups
  3. Is safe with stirrups and inclined members
  4. Needs revision of the section

Correct answer: (A)
Safe in shear

32. An R.C.C. beam not provided with shear reinforcement may develop cracks in its bottom inclined roughly to the horizontal at

  1. 25°
  2. 35°
  3. 45°
  4. 55°

Correct answer: (C)

33. An R.C.C. beam of 25 cm width and 50 cm effective depth has a clear span of 6 metres and carries a U.D.L. of 3000 kg/m inclusive of its self weight. If the lever arm constant for the section is 0.865, the maximum intensity of shear stress, is

  1. 8.3 kg/cm2
  2. 7.6 kg/cm2
  3. 21.5 kg/cm2
  4. 11.4 kg/cm2

Correct answer: (A)
8.3 kg/cm2

34. An R.C.C. beam of 6 m span is 30 cm wide and has a lever arm of 55 cm. If it carries a U.D.L. of 12 t per m and allowable shear stress is 5 kg/cm2, the beam

  1. Is safe in shear
  2. Is safe with stirrups
  3. Is safe with stirrups and inclined bars
  4. Needs revision of section

Correct answer: (D)
Needs revision of section

35. An R.C.C. column is treated as long if its slenderness ratio is greater than

  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 40
  4. 50

Correct answer: (D)

36. An R.C.C. column is treated as short column if its slenderness ratio is less than

  1. 30
  2. 35
  3. 40
  4. 50

Correct answer: (D)

37. An R.C.C. column of 30 cm diameter is reinforced with 6 bars 12 mm φ placed symmetrically along the circumference. If it carries a load of 40, 000 kg axially, the stress is

  1. 49.9 kg/cm2
  2. 100 kg/cm2
  3. 250 kg/cm2
  4. 175 kg/cm2

Correct answer: (A)
49.9 kg/cm2

38. An R.C.C. lintel is spanning an opening of 2 m span in a brick wall. The height of the roof is 2.9 m above the floor level and that of the opening is 2.1 m above the floor level. The lintel is to be designed for self weight plus

  1. Triangular load of the wall
  2. UDL of wall
  3. UDL of wall + load from the roof
  4. Triangular load + load from the roof

Correct answer: (C)
UDL of wall + load from the roof

39. An R.C.C. roof slab is designed as a two way slab if

  1. It supports live loads in both directions
  2. The ratio of spans in two directions is less than 2
  3. The slab is continuous over two supports
  4. The slab is discontinuous at edges

Correct answer: (B)
The ratio of spans in two directions is less than 2

40. An under-reinforced section means

  1. Steel is provided at the underside only
  2. Steel provided is insufficient
  3. Steel provided on one face only
  4. Steel will yield first

Correct answer: (D)
Steel will yield first

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