RCC Structures Design

21. A singly reinforced concrete beam of 25 cm width and 70 cm effective depth is provided with 18.75 cm2 steel. If the modular ratio (m) is 15, the depth of the neutral axis, is

  1. 20 cm
  2. 25 cm
  3. 30 cm
  4. 35 cm

Correct answer: (C)
30 cm

22. A T-beam behaves as a rectangular beam of a width equal to its flange if its neutral axis

  1. Remains within the flange
  2. Remains below the slab
  3. Coincides the geometrical centre of the beam
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Remains within the flange

23. A very comfortable type of stairs is

  1. Straight
  2. Dog legged
  3. Geometrical
  4. Open newel

Correct answer: (D)
Open newel

24. According to I.S. : 456 specifications, the safe diagonal tensile stress for M 150 grade concrete, is

  1. 5 kg/cm2
  2. 10 kg/cm2
  3. 15 kg/cm2
  4. 20 kg/cm2

Correct answer: (A)
5 kg/cm2

25. According to I.S. : 456, slabs which span in two directions with corners held down, are assumed to be divided in each direction into middle strips and edge strips such that the width of the middle strip, is

  1. Half of the width of the slab
  2. Two-third of the width of the slab
  3. Three-fourth of the width of the slab
  4. Four-fifth of the width of the slab

Correct answer: (C)
Three-fourth of the width of the slab

26. According to I.S.: 456, 1978 the thickness of reinforced concrete footing on piles at its edges, is kept less than

  1. 5 cm
  2. 10 cm
  3. 15 cm
  4. 20 cm

Correct answer: (C)
15 cm

27. According to load factor method, the permissible load 'W' on a short column reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral stirrups, is

  1. Stress in concrete × area of concrete
  2. Stress in steel × area of steel
  3. Stress in concrete × area of concrete + Stress in steel × area of steel
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Stress in concrete × area of concrete + Stress in steel × area of steel

28. According to the steel beam theory of doubly reinforced beams

  1. Tension is resisted by tension steel
  2. Compression is resisted by compression steel
  3. Stress in tension steel equals the stress in compression steel
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

29. After pre-stressing process is completed, a loss of stress is due to

  1. Shrinkage of concrete
  2. Elastic shortening of concrete
  3. Creep of concrete
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

30. An intermediate T-beam reinforced with two layers of tensile steel with clear cover 13 cm encasted with the floor of a hall 12 metres by 7 metres, is spaced at 3 metres from adjoining beams and if the width of the beam is 20 cm, the breadth of the flange is

  1. 300 cm
  2. 233 cm
  3. 176 cm
  4. 236 cm

Correct answer: (C)
176 cm

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