Hydrology and Ground Water

61. If h is the loss due to friction in a pipe. Total losses in strainer and bends may be taken as

  1. 0.01 h
  2. 0.45 h
  3. 0.20 h
  4. 0.25 h

Correct answer: (D)
0.25 h

62. If P and A are the perimeter and area of a drainage basin, its compactness coefficient, is

  1. P2/2πA
  2. P/2πA
  3. P/2√πA
  4. P33A

Correct answer: (C)

63. If S is the potential infiltration, P is rainfall in cm in a drainage of a soil with fair pasture cover, the direct run off Q in cm is given by

  1. Q = (P - 0.1 S)2/(P + 0.4 S)
  2. Q = (P - 0.2 S)2/(P + 0.6 S)
  3. Q = (P - 0.2 S)2/(P + 0.8 S)
  4. Q = (P - 0.2 S)2/(P + 0.2 S)

Correct answer: (C)
Q = (P - 0.2 S)2/(P + 0.8 S)

64. If the area of storm hydrograph is equal to 102 cm, the ordinates of a unit hydrograph may be obtained by dividing the ordinates of the storm hydrograph by

  1. 0.5
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 4

Correct answer: (D)

65. If the axial length of a drainage basin is 35 km and its form factor is 0.2, the total area of the basin is

  1. 205 sq. km.
  2. 215 sq. km.
  3. 225 sq. km.
  4. 245 sq. km.

Correct answer: (D)
245 sq. km.

66. If the critical shear stress of a channel is XC, then the average value of shear stress required to move the grain on the bank is

  1. 0.5 XC
  2. 0.75 TC
  3. XC
  4. 1.33 TC

Correct answer: (B)
0.75 TC

67. If the demand line drawn from a ridge in a flow mass curve does not intersect the curve again, it indicates that

  1. Demand cannot be met by inflow
  2. Reservoir was not full at the beginning
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. None of the above

Correct answer: (A)
Demand cannot be met by inflow

68. If the dew point is greater than 0°C

  1. Dew will be formed
  2. Frost will be formed
  3. Vapours will be formed
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Dew will be formed

69. If the grain size of soil increases

  1. Surface area decreases
  2. Specific retention decreases
  3. Water supply in well increases
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

70. If the loss due to friction in pipes is 4 m, the total losses in strainer and bends may be taken as

  1. 0.10 m
  2. 0.20 m
  3. 0.5 m
  4. 1.0 m

Correct answer: (D)
1.0 m

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