191. Tortuosity of a meandering river is the ratio of
Correct answer: (C)
Curved length along the channel to the direct axial length of the river reach
192. Unit Hydrograph theory was enunciated by
Correct answer: (C)
Le-Roy K. Shermen
193. Which of the following canal outlets maintains a constant discharge?
Correct answer: (C)
Rigid module
194. Vertical drop fall is satisfactory for a height upto
Correct answer: (B)
1.5 m
195. Water is useful for
Correct answer: (D)
All the above
196. When a constant discharge 2.91 litres/sec. was obtained in a pumping test, the draw downs in the test wells at 3 m and 6.184 m were 2.6 m and 0.3 m respectively. If over-all depth of the pumping well was 16 m, the permeability of the soil, is
Correct answer: (B)
0.001 cm/sec
197. When the reservoir is full, the maximum compressive force in a gravity dam is produced
Correct answer: (A)
At the toe
198. Which of the following can be used as a meter fall?
Correct answer: (A)
Vertical drop fall