151. General energy equation holds for
Correct answer: (D)
Non-uniform flow
152. Gradually varied flow is
Correct answer: (D)
teady non-uniform
153. Hot wire anemometer is used to measure
Correct answer: (D)
Gas velocities
154. Hydrometer is used to determine
Correct answer: (A)
Specific gravity of liquids
155. If 850 kg liquid occupies volume of one cubic meter, men 0.85 represents its
Correct answer: (C)
Specific gravity
156. If a body floating in a liquid occupies a new position and remains at rest in this new position, when given a small angular displacement, the body is said to be in
Correct answer: (A)
157. If a body floating in a liquid returns back to its original position, when given a small angular displacement, the body is said to be in
Correct answer: (B)
Stable equilibrium
158. If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid and glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be
Correct answer: (C)
Lower than the surface of liquid
159. If mercury in a barometer is replaced by water, the height of 3.75 cm of mercury will be following cm of water
Correct answer: (A)
51 cm
160. If no resistance is encountered by displacement, such a substance is known as
Correct answer: (D)
Ideal fluid