Highway Engineering

101. If R is the radius of a main circular curve, Δ is the angle of deflection and α is the polar deflection angle of any point, its radial distance is

  1. 3 R√(sinΔ/3 sin 2α)
  2. 3 R√(sinΔ/2 sin 2α)
  3. 3 R√(sinΔ/3 sin 2α/2)
  4. 3 R√(sin2Δ sin α)

Correct answer: (A)
3 R√(sinΔ/3 sin 2α)

102. If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is

  1. L/24 R
  2. L2/24 R
  3. L3/24 R
  4. L4/24 R

Correct answer: (B)
L2/24 R

103. If the coefficient of friction on the road surface is 0.15 and a maximum super-elevation 1 in 15 is provided, the maximum speed of the vehicles on a curve of 100 metre radius, is

  1. 32.44 km/hour
  2. 42.44 kg/hour
  3. 52.44 km/hour
  4. 62.44 km/hour

Correct answer: (C)
52.44 km/hour

104. If the cross slope of a country is 25% to 60%, the terrain is classified as

  1. Plain
  2. Rolling
  3. Steep
  4. Mountainous

Correct answer: (D)

105. If the designed speed on a circular curve of radius 1400 m is 80 km/hour, no super-elevation is provided, if the camber, is

  1. 4 %
  2. 3 %
  3. 2 %
  4. 1.7 %

Correct answer: (C)
2 %

106. If the difference in elevation of an edge of the pavement 9 m wide and its crown is 15 cm, the camber of the pavement, is

  1. 1 in 60
  2. 1 in 45
  3. 1 in 30
  4. 1 in 15

Correct answer: (C)
1 in 30

107. If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is known as

  1. Gradient
  2. Grade
  3. Positive grade
  4. Negative grade

Correct answer: (A)

108. If the group index value of sub-grade is between 5 and 9, then the sub-grade is treated as

  1. Good
  2. Fair
  3. Poor
  4. Very poor

Correct answer: (C)

109. If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways is equal to 3.0 m

  1. + 0.60 m
  2. + 0.70 m
  3. + 0.90 m
  4. + 1.50 m

Correct answer: (B)
+ 0.70 m

110. If the radii of a compound curve and a reverse curve are respectively the same, the length of common tangent

  1. Of compound curve will be more
  2. Of reverse curve will be more
  3. Of both curves will be equal
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Of both curves will be equal

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