101. If R is the radius of a main circular curve, Δ is the angle of deflection and α is the polar deflection angle of any point, its radial distance is
Correct answer: (A)
3 R√(sinΔ/3 sin 2α)
102. If R is the radius of a main curve and L is the length of the transition curve, the shift of the curve, is
Correct answer: (B)
L2/24 R
103. If the coefficient of friction on the road surface is 0.15 and a maximum super-elevation 1 in 15 is provided, the maximum speed of the vehicles on a curve of 100 metre radius, is
Correct answer: (C)
52.44 km/hour
104. If the cross slope of a country is 25% to 60%, the terrain is classified as
Correct answer: (D)
105. If the designed speed on a circular curve of radius 1400 m is 80 km/hour, no super-elevation is provided, if the camber, is
Correct answer: (C)
2 %
106. If the difference in elevation of an edge of the pavement 9 m wide and its crown is 15 cm, the camber of the pavement, is
Correct answer: (C)
1 in 30
107. If the elevations along a road increase, the slope of the road along the longitudinal direction, is known as
Correct answer: (A)
108. If the group index value of sub-grade is between 5 and 9, then the sub-grade is treated as
Correct answer: (C)
109. If the number of lanes on the carriageway of a road is more than two, the total width of lane ways is equal to 3.0 m
Correct answer: (B)
+ 0.70 m
110. If the radii of a compound curve and a reverse curve are respectively the same, the length of common tangent
Correct answer: (C)
Of both curves will be equal