Docks and Harbour Engineering

61. The important component of a sea port is

  1. Terminal buildings
  2. The docks
  3. The harbour
  4. All of these

Correct answer: (D)
All of these

62. The low water datum for a lake is defined as the surface of the lake when it is at elevation

  1. 180.5 m above M.S.L.
  2. 190.5 m above M.S.L.
  3. 170.5 m above M.S.L.
  4. 200.0 m above M.S.L.

Correct answer: (A)
180.5 m above M.S.L.

63. The maximum harbour depth below lowest low water is generally equal to
(i) Loaded draft +1.2 m when bottom is rock
(ii) Loaded draft +1.8 m when bottom is soft
(iii) Loaded draft +1.2 m when bottom is soft
(iv) Loaded draft +1.8 m when bottom is rock
Of these statements

  1. (i) and (ii) are correct
  2. (i) and (iii) are correct
  3. (ii) and (iv) are correct
  4. (iii) and (iv) are correct

Correct answer: (D)
(iii) and (iv) are correct

64. The minimum diameter of turning besin, where ships turn by going ahead and without tug assistance should be

  1. L
  2. 1.5 L
  3. 2.0 L
  4. 4.0 L

Correct answer: (D)
4.0 L

65. The shape of docks and basins is generally kept

  1. Rectangular ways
  2. Diamond shape guys
  3. Inclined guys
  4. All of these

Correct answer: (D)
All of these

66. The shore line survey includes:

  1. Depicting the shore line
  2. Depicting the prominent details on shore line
  3. Depicting the high water line
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

67. The significant wave height is defined is the average height of the

  1. One-third highest waves
  2. One-fourth highest waves
  3. One-fifth highest waves
  4. One-tenth highest waves

Correct answer: (A)
One-third highest waves

68. The smoothened surface of the front face of the guay walls, is known as fending which is made of

  1. Granite stone
  2. Timber
  3. Steel
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

69. The variation of atmospheric potential is caused due to:

  1. Difference in temperature over the surface of the earth
  2. Change in the density of air
  3. Both (a) and (b)
  4. Neither (a) nor (b)

Correct answer: (C)
Both (a) and (b)

70. The wavelength is computed by Bertin's formula (where T is the period in seconds).

  1. L = (T/η)g
  2. L = (T2/2η) g
  3. L = (2T/η) g
  4. L = (2T2/2η) g

Correct answer: (B)
L = (T2/2η) g

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