Concrete Technology and Design

41. Bulking of sand is

  1. Mixing of different sizes of sand particles
  2. Mixing of lime with sand
  3. Maximum water with sand
  4. Swelling of sand when wetted

Correct answer: (D)
Swelling of sand when wetted

42. Bulking of sand is maximum if moisture content is about

  1. 2 %
  2. 4 %
  3. 6 %
  4. 10 %

Correct answer: (B)
4 %

43. C.R.R.I. charts are used to obtain a relationship between strength of concrete and

  1. Water cement ratio
  2. Workability
  3. Grading of aggregate
  4. Fineness modulus

Correct answer: (A)
Water cement ratio

44. Cement used for normal concrete construction, is obtained by burning a mixture of

  1. Siliceous and argillaceous materials
  2. Argillaceous and calcareous materials
  3. Siliceous and calcareous materials
  4. Siliceous, argillaceous and calcareous materials

Correct answer: (D)
Siliceous, argillaceous and calcareous materials

45. Concrete containing

  1. Siliceous aggregates, has higher co-efficient of expansion
  2. Igneous aggregates, has intermediate coefficient of expansion
  3. Lime stones, has lowest co-efficient of expansion
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

46. Concrete gains strength due to

  1. Chemical reaction of cement with sand and coarse aggregates
  2. Evaporation of water from concrete
  3. Hydration of cement
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (C)
Hydration of cement

47. Concrete is unsuitable for compaction by a vibrator if it is

  1. Dry
  2. Earth moist
  3. Semi-plastic
  4. Plastic

Correct answer: (D)

48. Concrete mainly consists of

  1. Cement
  2. Aggregates
  3. Water
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

49. Construction joints are generally provided in concrete

  1. Roads
  2. Retaining walls
  3. Lining of canals
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

50. Construction joints are provided

  1. Where B.M. and S.F. are small
  2. Where the member is supported by other member
  3. At 18 m apart in huge structures
  4. All the above

Correct answer: (D)
All the above

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