
41. A chemical process is said to occur under unsteady state, if the

  1. Inventory changes do not take place
  2. Ratio of streams entering/leaving are independent of time
  3. Flow rates & composition both are time dependent
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Flow rates & composition both are time dependent

42. A compound was found having nitrogen and oxygen in the ratio 28 gm and 80 gm respectively. The formula of the compound is

  1. N2O4
  2. N2O5
  3. N2O3
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)

43. A fluid gas produced on burning furnace oil contains 0.15 gm mole of CO2, 0.05 gm mole of oxygen and 0.80 gm mole of N2. What is its molecular weight?

  1. 28.6
  2. 30
  3. 30.6
  4. 32.6

Correct answer: (C)

44. A gas at 0°C is cooled at constant pressure until its volume becomes half the original volume. The temperature of the gas at this state will be

  1. -136.5°C
  2. - 136.5°K
  3. -273°C
  4. 0°K

Correct answer: (A)

45. A gas at 0°C was subjected to constant pressure cooling until its volume became half the original volume. The temperature of the gas at this stage will be

  1. 0°C
  2. 0°K
  3. -136.5°C
  4. -136.5°K

Correct answer: (C)

46. A gas mixture contains 6 moles of H2 and 2 moles of N2. If the total pressure of the gaseous mixture is 4 kgf/cm2; then the partial pressure of N2 in the mixture will be _________ kgf/cm2.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 8

Correct answer: (A)

47. A gas occupies a volume of 283 c.c at 10°C. If it is heated to 20°C at constant pressure, the new volume of the gas will be _________ c.c.

  1. 283
  2. 566
  3. 293
  4. 141.5

Correct answer: (C)

48. A gaseous mixture contains 14 kg of N2, 16 kg of O2 and 17 kg of NH3. The mole fraction of oxygen is

  1. 0.16
  2. 0.33
  3. 0.66
  4. 0.47

Correct answer: (B)

49. A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapor at its boiling point. On an average, the molecules in the liquid and gaseous phases have equal

  1. Kinetic energy
  2. Intermolecular forces of attraction
  3. Potential energy
  4. Total energy

Correct answer: (A)
Kinetic energy

50. A long cylinder and a sphere both of 5 cms diameter are made from the same porous material. The flat ends of cylinder are sealed. Both the cylinder and sphere are saturated with the same solution of sodium chloride. Later both the objects are immersed for a short and equal interval of time in a large tank of water which is well agitated. The fraction of salt remaining in the cylinder and the sphere are Xc and Xs respectively. Which of the following statement is correct?

  1. Xc > Xs
  2. Xc = Xs
  3. Xc < Xs
  4. Xc greater/less than Xs depending on the length of the cylinder

Correct answer: (C)
Xc < Xs

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