
331. The reverse process of fractional crystallisation is called

  1. Stripping
  2. Leaching
  3. Differential distillation
  4. Absorption

Correct answer: (B)

332. The temperature at which a real gas obeys Boyle's law is termed as the

  1. Triple point
  2. Boyle's temperature
  3. Eutectic point
  4. Inversion temperature

Correct answer: (B)
Boyle's temperature

333. The temperature at which the second Virial co-efficient of a real gas is zero is called the

  1. Eutectic point
  2. Boyle temperature
  3. Boiling point
  4. Critical temperature

Correct answer: (A)
Eutectic point

334. The temperature of a gas in a closed container is 27° C. If the temperature of the gas is increased to 300° C, then the pressure exerted is

  1. Doubled
  2. Halved
  3. Trebled
  4. Unpredictable

Correct answer: (D)

335. The total number of atoms in 8.5 gm of NH3 is _________ × 1023.

  1. 9.03
  2. 3.01
  3. 1.204
  4. 6.02

Correct answer: (A)

336. The unit of Cp in S.I. units is

  1. W/m2.°K
  2. J/kg.°K
  3. W/m.°K
  4. J/m3. °K

Correct answer: (B)

337. The unit of dynamic viscosity is

  1. Stoke
  2. Poise
  3. gm/cm sec
  4. Both (B) & (C)

Correct answer: (D)
Both (B) & (C)

338. The unit of specific heat at constant pressure, Cp, in SI unit is

  1. W/m2°C
  2. J/kg°K
  3. W/m°K
  4. J/m3°K

Correct answer: (B)

339. The value of (Cp - Cv) for a real gas obeying Vander Wall's equation is

  1. R
  2. > R
  3. < R
  4. 0.5 R

Correct answer: (B)
> R

340. The value of gas constant 'R' is _________ kcal/kg.mole.°C.

  1. 2.79
  2. 1.987
  3. 3.99
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (D)
None of these

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