
321. The number of water molecules present in a drop of water weighing 0.018 gm is 6.023 × _________.

  1. 1026
  2. 1023
  3. 1020
  4. 1019

Correct answer: (C)

322. The OH- concentration in a solution having pH value 3 is

  1. 10-3
  2. 10-10
  3. 10-11
  4. 10-13

Correct answer: (C)

323. The osmotic pressure of a solution increases, if its _________ is decreased.

  1. Volume
  2. Solute concentration
  3. Temperature
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (D)
None of these

324. The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly proportional to the

  1. Lowering of vapor pressure
  2. Molecular concentration of the solute
  3. Absolute temperature of a given concentration
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

325. The percentage ratio of the partial pressure of the vapor to the vapor pressure of the liquid at the existing temperature is

  1. Termed as relative saturation
  2. Not a function of the composition of gas mixture
  3. Called percentage saturation
  4. Not a function of the nature of vapor

Correct answer: (A)
Termed as relative saturation

326. The pH value of a solution is 5.9. If the hydrogen ion concentration is decreased hundred times, the solution will be

  1. Basic
  2. More acidic
  3. Neutral
  4. Of the same acidity

Correct answer: (A)

327. The pressure of 'V' litres of a dry gas is increased from 1 to 2 kgf/cm2 at a constant temperature. The new volume will become

  1. V/2
  2. 2V
  3. V/4
  4. V2

Correct answer: (A)

328. The quantity of heat required to evaporate 1 kg of a saturated liquid is called

  1. Specific heat
  2. 1 Kcal
  3. Sensible heat
  4. Latent heat

Correct answer: (D)
Latent heat

329. The rate of material _________ is zero in case of a steady state system.

  1. Accumulation
  2. Production
  3. Input
  4. Generation

Correct answer: (A)

330. The ratio of existing moles of vapor per mole of vapor free gas to the moles of vapor that would be present per mole of vapor free gas, if the mixture were saturated at the existing temperature & pressure, is termed as the

  1. Relative humidity
  2. Relative saturation
  3. Percentage saturation
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (C)
Percentage saturation

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