
311. The increase in the temperature of the aqueous solution will result in decrease of its

  1. Weight % of the solute
  2. Mole fraction of the solute
  3. Molarity
  4. Molality

Correct answer: (C)

312. The latent heat of vaporisation

  1. Decreases with increased temperature
  2. Decreases as pressure increases
  3. Becomes zero at the critical point
  4. All (A), (B) & (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) & (C)

313. The maximum adiabatic flame temperature of fuels in air is _________ the maximum flame temperature in pure oxygen.

  1. Lower than
  2. Higher than
  3. Same as
  4. Not related to

Correct answer: (A)
Lower than

314. The molar composition of a gas is 10% H2, 10% O2, 30% CO2 and balance H2O. If 50% H2O condenses, the final mole percent of H2 in the gas on a dry basis will be

  1. 10%
  2. 5%
  3. 18.18%
  4. 20%

Correct answer: (D)

315. The molecular velocity of a real gas is proportional to (where, T = absolute temperature of the gas).

  1. √T
  2. T
  3. T2
  4. 1/√T

Correct answer: (A)

316. The molecules of a liquid which is in equilibrium with its vapor at its boiling point on an average have equal _________ in the two phases.

  1. Potential energy
  2. Intermolecular forces
  3. Kinetic energy
  4. Total energy

Correct answer: (C)
Kinetic energy

317. The most convenient way of expressing solution concentration is in terms of

  1. Mole fraction
  2. Normality
  3. Molality
  4. Molarity

Correct answer: (D)

318. The net heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical process, i.e. total change in the enthalpy of the system is independent of the

  1. Temperature & pressure
  2. Number of intermediate chemical reactions involved
  3. State of aggregation & the state of combination at the beginning & the end of the reaction
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)
Number of intermediate chemical reactions involved

319. The number of atoms of oxygen present in 11.2 litres of ozone (O3) at N.T.P. are

  1. 3.01 × 1022
  2. 6.02 × 1023
  3. 9.03 × 1024
  4. 1.20 × 1024

Correct answer: (C)
9.03 × 1024

320. The number of H+ in 1 c.c solution of pH 13 is

  1. 6.023 × 1013
  2. 6.023 × 1010
  3. 6.023 × 107
  4. 1013

Correct answer: (C)
6.023 × 107

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