
261. Refractories used in/for _________ should have low thermal conductivity.

  1. Coke ovens
  2. Insulation
  3. Regenerators
  4. Muffle furnaces

Correct answer: (B)

262. Refractoriness/fusion points of 'Superduty' refractories is _________ °C.

  1. 1520-1630
  2. 1630-1670
  3. > 1730
  4. > 2000

Correct answer: (C)
> 1730

263. Refractory bricks having lower porosity have

  1. High insulating properties
  2. Low heat capacity
  3. Low thermal conductivity
  4. Greater strength

Correct answer: (D)
Greater strength

264. Refractory bricks with lower permeability is produced by using

  1. Higher firing temperature
  2. Higher moulding pressure
  3. Finer grog size
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

265. Roof of a basic electric furnace is made of _________ bricks.

  1. Superduty fireclay
  2. Silica
  3. Chromite
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (B)

266. S.T.P. corresponds to

  1. 1 atm. absolute pressure & 15.5°C
  2. 760 mm Hg gauge pressure & 15.5°C
  3. 760 torr & 0°C
  4. 101.325 kPa gauge pressure & 15.5°C

Correct answer: (A)
1 atm. absolute pressure & 15.5°C

267. Saturated molal absolute humidity of the vapor-gas mixture depends upon the

  1. Vapor pressure at dry bulb temperature
  2. Total pressure
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. Neither (A) nor (B)

Correct answer: (C)
Both (A) and (B)

268. Saturated solution of benzene in water is in equilibrium with a mixture of air and vapours of benzene and water at room temperature and pressure. Mole fraction of benzene in liquid is xB and the vapour pressures of benzene and water at these conditions are pv B and pv w respectively. The partial pressure of benzene in air-vapour mixture is

  1. PvB
  2. xB.PvB
  3. (Patm - Pvw)xB
  4. xB.Patm

Correct answer: (B)

269. Silica bricks are never used for lining the

  1. Beehive coke ovens
  2. By-product coke ovens
  3. Dome of blast furnace stoves
  4. Roof of open hearth furnace

Correct answer: (A)
Beehive coke ovens

270. Simultaneous doubling of the absolute temperature of a gas and reduction of its pressure to half will result in _________ in the volume of the gas.

  1. No change
  2. Doubling
  3. 1/4th reduction
  4. Fourfold increase

Correct answer: (B)

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