
131. Fireclay refractories

  1. Are not resistant to the action of basic slags
  2. Combine with salts (e.g. chlorides sulphates etc.) & bases (e.g. lime, magnesia etc.) forming fusible aluminates silicates etc
  3. Shrink during firing
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

132. For a given mass of a gas at constant temperature, if the volume 'V' becomes three times, then the pressure 'P' will become

  1. P/3
  2. 3P
  3. 9P2
  4. 9P

Correct answer: (A)

133. For a neutral solution (pH = 7), the value of [H+] [OH-] is equal to

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. < 1
  4. > 1

Correct answer: (B)

134. For a reaction, X → Y, if the concentration of 'X' is tripled; the rate becomes nine times. The order of reaction is

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 3

Correct answer: (C)

135. For an ideal gas, the compressibility factor

  1. Decreases with pressure rise
  2. Is unity at all temperature
  3. Is unity at Boyle's temperature
  4. Zero

Correct answer: (B)
Is unity at all temperature

136. For an ideal solution, the total vapor pressure varies _________ with the composition (expressed as mole fraction).

  1. Inversely
  2. Exponentially
  3. Linearly
  4. Negligibly

Correct answer: (C)

137. For any system, the _________ heat of solution is dependent on the temperature and the adsorbate concentration.

  1. Integral
  2. Differential
  3. Both (A) & (B)
  4. Neither (A) nor (B)

Correct answer: (C)
Both (A) & (B)

138. For estimation of heat capacity of a solid compound, one can use

  1. Clapeyron's equation
  2. Gibb's equation
  3. Kopp's rule
  4. Trouton's rule

Correct answer: (C)
Kopp's rule

139. For most salts, the solubility increases with rise in temperature, but the solubility of _________ is nearly independent of temperature rise.

  1. Sodium chloride
  2. Sodium carbonate monohydrate
  3. Anhydrous sodium sulphate
  4. Hypo

Correct answer: (A)
Sodium chloride

140. For the gaseous phase reaction, N2 + O2 ⇌ 2NO, ΔH = + 80 kJ/kg. mole; the decomposition of NO is favoured by

  1. Increasing the concentration of N2
  2. Decrease in temperature
  3. Increase in pressure
  4. Decrease in pressure

Correct answer: (B)
Decrease in temperature

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