
121. Elements in a periodic table are arranged in order of their

  1. Atomic number
  2. Mass number
  3. Atomic weight
  4. Metallic characteristics

Correct answer: (A)
Atomic number

122. Enthalpy change resulting, when unit mass of solid is wetted with sufficient liquid, so that further addition of liquid produces no additional thermal effect, is called the heat of

  1. Mixing
  2. Adsorption
  3. Wetting
  4. Complete wetting

Correct answer: (D)
Complete wetting

123. Enthalpy of a vapor gas mixture may be increased by increasing the

  1. Temperature at constant humidity
  2. Humidity at constant temperature
  3. Temperature and the humidity
  4. All (A), (B) & (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) & (C)

124. Enthalpy of formation of NH3 is - 46 kJ/kg mole. The enthalpy change for the gaseous reaction, 2NH3 → N2 + 3H2, is equal to _________ kJ/kg. mole.

  1. 46
  2. 92
  3. -23
  4. -92

Correct answer: (B)

125. Equal masses of CH4 and H2 are mixed in an empty container. The partial pressure of hydrogen in this container expressed as the fraction of total pressure is

  1. 44075
  2. 44082
  3. 43862
  4. 44079

Correct answer: (B)

126. Except for monatomic gases, the molal heat capacity at constant volume for all gases is _________ Kcal/Kg mole.° K.

  1. 3
  2. > 3
  3. < 3
  4. < 1

Correct answer: (B)
> 3

127. Faster rate of drying of moulded refractories results in high _________ of refractories.

  1. Green strength
  2. Voids
  3. Shrinkage
  4. Both (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
Both (B) and (C)

128. Fireclay bricks are not used in the

  1. Beehive coke oven
  2. By-product coke oven walls
  3. Combustion chamber of B.F. stoves
  4. Coke oven regenerators

Correct answer: (B)
By-product coke oven walls

129. Fireclay bricks are used in the

  1. Coke ovens regenerator
  2. Outer lining of L.D. converter
  3. Hearth bottom of blast furnace
  4. Coke oven walls

Correct answer: (A)
Coke ovens regenerator

130. Fireclay bricks is not used for lining the

  1. Cupola
  2. Gas producer
  3. Bottom of hot metal mixer
  4. Roof of open hearth furnace

Correct answer: (C)
Bottom of hot metal mixer

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