Refractory Technology
51. Except _________, all other refractories are bad conductors of electricity (i.e, have low electrical conductivity).
- Fireclay
- Carborundum
- Graphite
- Chromite
Correct answer: (C)
52. Faster rate of drying of moulded refractories results in high _________ of refractories.
- Green strength
- Voids
- Shrinkage
- Both (B) and (C)
Correct answer: (D)
Both (B) and (C)
53. Ferromagnetic ceramic material is not used in the
- Thermal insulation
- Transformers
- Magnetic switches
- Television sets
Correct answer: (A)
Thermal insulation
54. Fireclay bricks are never used in the
- Beehive oven
- Coke oven walls
- Zinc roaster
- Lead blast furnace
Correct answer: (B)
Coke oven walls
55. Fireclay bricks are not used in the
- Beehive coke oven
- By-product coke oven walls
- Combustion chamber of B.F. stoves
- Coke oven regenerators
Correct answer: (B)
By-product coke oven walls
56. Fireclay bricks are used in the
- Furnaces allowed to cool frequently
- Flues
- Chimney linings
- All (A), (B) and (C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)
57. Fireclay bricks is not used for lining the
- Cupola
- Gas producer
- Bottom of hot metal mixer
- Roof of open hearth furnace
Correct answer: (C)
Bottom of hot metal mixer
58. Fireclay refractories
- Are not resistant to the action of basic slags
- Combine with salts (e.g. chlorides sulphates etc.) & bases (e.g. lime, magnesia etc.) forming fusible aluminates silicates etc
- Shrink during firing
- All (A), (B) and (C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)
59. Fireclay refractories have
- Low co-efficient of thermal expansion
- Poor thermal spalling resistance
- Tendency to expand unduly high during firing
- Very high cost
Correct answer: (A)
Low co-efficient of thermal expansion
60. Firing of refractory brick is done to
- Dehydrate the dried refractory
- Develop stable mineral forms in them
- Form ceramic bonds necessary for development of high crushing strength in the finished product
- All (A), (B) and (C)
Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)