Refractory Technology

21. Bottom of basic open hearth furnace are constructed of

  1. Dead burnt magnesite ramming mass
  2. Porous fireclay bricks
  3. Semi-silica bricks
  4. Silicon carbide bricks

Correct answer: (A)
Dead burnt magnesite ramming mass

22. Capacity of a refractory brick to withstand-sudden changes in temperature is denoted by the property called

  1. Spalling resistance
  2. Refractoriness
  3. Refractoriness under load (RUL)
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (A)
Spalling resistance

23. Carbon bricks are not used in the lining of the

  1. Combustion chamber of blast furnace stoves
  2. Electric furnaces
  3. Highly chemical resistant equipments
  4. Blast furnace hearth

Correct answer: (A)
Combustion chamber of blast furnace stoves

24. Carbon refractories

  1. Do not burn/oxidise, when exposed to air on heating
  2. Are not attacked by slags, as they are not wetted by melts
  3. Do not resist temperature fluctuations
  4. Have extremely low thermal & electrical conductivities

Correct answer: (B)
Are not attacked by slags, as they are not wetted by melts

25. Carbon refractories are exclusively used in the

  1. Hearth of blast furnace
  2. Walls of coke oven
  3. Regenerators of coke oven
  4. Side wall of soaking pits

Correct answer: (A)
Hearth of blast furnace

26. Carbon refractories have very high

  1. Wetting characteristics
  2. Refractoriness
  3. Thermal conductivity
  4. Both (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
Both (B) and (C)

27. Carbon refractory blocks

  1. Are wetted by molten iron
  2. Are used in the hearth of blast furnace
  3. Are acidic in nature
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (B)
Are used in the hearth of blast furnace

28. Carborundum used for making crucibles for melting non-ferrous metals is chemically

  1. Silicon carbide
  2. Silicon nitride
  3. Crystalline magnesia
  4. Zirconium sulphate

Correct answer: (A)
Silicon carbide

29. Ceramic recuperators used for waste heat recovery from high temperature flue gas going out of the furnace is made of

  1. Fireclay
  2. Silicon carbide
  3. Corundum
  4. Siliceous fireclay

Correct answer: (B)
Silicon carbide

30. Cermets are

  1. Composite material containing both ceramic & metallic constituents
  2. Having high strength & resistance to high temperature
  3. Used in space vehicles, missiles & nuclear energy plants
  4. All (A), (B) and (C)

Correct answer: (D)
All (A), (B) and (C)

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