31. A minimum clearance of about _________ mm is maintained between the distillation column wall and the bubble cap.
Correct answer: (B)
32. A perforated plate has holes of diameter dn arranged in a pitch ph. Each hole has a tube of I.D. dt passing through it. The ligament efficiency is given by
Correct answer: (C)
(ph - dt)/ph
33. A pipe is generally made of circular cross-section, because a circular cross-section has the
Correct answer: (C)
Both (A) & (B)
34. A pressure vessel is said to be made of 'thick' shell, if the ratio of its diameter to wall thickness is
Correct answer: (B)
> 10
35. A riveted joint does not fail by _________ of rivets.
Correct answer: (D)
None of these
36. A shell may by termed as thin if its thickness to diameter ratio is less than 0.1. The factor which can be neglected in the calculation of membrane stresses is
Correct answer: (A)
37. A single pass air heater is connected to a two pass unit. For the air flow rate and other conditions remaining the same, the film heat transfer co-efficient for air will vary in the ratio of
Correct answer: (B)
38. A stuffing box is used for
Correct answer: (B)
Prevention of fluid leakage around moving parts
39. A/an _________ is used for changing the direction of a pipeline.
Correct answer: (A)
40. Accidents in chemical plants are mostly due to
Correct answer: (B)
Faulty operating procedures