1. "A claming section" before the liquid flows into the downcomer is provided to
Correct answer: (A)
Permit release of entrained vapour in the liquid
2. _________ closure is the weakest enclosure for cylindrical vessels.
Correct answer: (C)
Conical or flat plate
3. _________ dished head is the strongest of all.
Correct answer: (A)
4. _________ head is the most economical for cylindrical vessels designed for operating at high pressure ( > 15 atm.).
Correct answer: (C)
5. _________ heat exchanger is also known as 'hair pin type' exchanger,
Correct answer: (A)
Double pipe
6. _________ is the determining factor for the number of bubble caps to be used per tray.
Correct answer: (A)
Permissible slot velocity
7. _________ liquor is best handled in a long tube vertical evaporator.
Correct answer: (A)
8. _________ of water makes it a widely used coolant in heat exchangers.
Correct answer: (C)
High specific heat
9. _________ shaped roof is most commonly used for cylindrical tanks.
Correct answer: (A)
10. _________ shaped roof is the most commonly used roof for cylindrical storage tanks.
Correct answer: (A)