Petroleum Refinery Engineering

211. Specific gravity of a petroleum product gives an indication of its

  1. Degree of refinement
  2. Hydrocarbon content type (aromatic or paraffinic)
  3. Ease of atomisation
  4. Sulphur content

Correct answer: (B)
Hydrocarbon content type (aromatic or paraffinic)

212. Stabilisation of gasoline (petrol) means

  1. Removal of dissolved gases from it
  2. Increasing its oxidation stability
  3. Improving its lead susceptibility
  4. Increasing its vapour pressure

Correct answer: (A)
Removal of dissolved gases from it

213. Straight run naphtha is converted into high octane number petrol (gasoline) by catalytic

  1. Cracking
  2. Polymerisation
  3. Reforming
  4. Isomerisation

Correct answer: (C)

214. Straight run petrol as compared to methyl/ethyl alcohol has

  1. Lower calorific value
  2. Lower octane number
  3. Higher specific gravity
  4. Higher ignition temperature

Correct answer: (B)
Lower octane number

215. Sulphur content in lighter and heavier petroleum products is generally determined respectively by

  1. Lamp method and bomb method
  2. Bomb method and lamp method
  3. Bomb method and quartz tube method
  4. Quartz tube method and lamp method

Correct answer: (B)
Bomb method and lamp method

216. Sweetening of petroleum product means the removal of

  1. Sulphur & its compounds
  2. Water
  3. Organic impurities
  4. Wax

Correct answer: (A)
Sulphur & its compounds

217. Tanks used for the storage of petroleum products (which are inflammable) should be painted with a _________ paint.

  1. Black
  2. White
  3. Red
  4. Yellow

Correct answer: (B)

218. Testing of the knocking characteristics of petrofuels is done in a _________ engine.

  1. Carnot
  2. CFR (Co-operative fuel research)
  3. Stirling
  4. Diesel

Correct answer: (B)
CFR (Co-operative fuel research)

219. Tetra-ethyl lead is added in gasoline to

  1. Increase its smoke point
  2. Reduce gum formation
  3. Reduce the pour point
  4. Increase its octane number

Correct answer: (D)
Increase its octane number

220. Tetraethyl lead is added to the petrol to increase its octane number, because its octane number is

  1. More than 100
  2. Round about 100
  3. Between 50 and 100
  4. Less than 25

Correct answer: (A)
More than 100

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