101. Higher viscosity of lubricating oil usually signifies
Correct answer: (C)
Higher flash point and fire point
102. Highest quality bitumen is produced from the _________ crude oil.
Correct answer: (B)
103. Hydrocracking employs
Correct answer: (A)
High pressure & temperature
104. Hydrofining is the most recent and effective method for the
Correct answer: (A)
Removal of sulphur
105. Hydrogen content in petroleum products varies from 12 to 15% (by weight). As a result the difference between gross and net heating value of petroleum fuels varies in the range of _________ kcal/kg.
Correct answer: (A)
106. Hydrogen percentage (by weight) in crude petroleum may be about
Correct answer: (B)
107. Illuminating characteristics of kerosene is expressed by its
Correct answer: (C)
Luminosity number
108. In a refinery petroleum crude is fractionated into gas fraction, light ends, intermediate distillates, heavy distillates, residues and by products. The group of products including gas oil, diesel oil and heavy fuel oil belongs to the fraction
Correct answer: (A)
Heavy distillates
109. In case of liquid petrofuels, momentary combustion is observed at its
Correct answer: (A)
Flash point
110. In catalytic alkylation, higher iso-butane to olefin ratio gives
Correct answer: (A)
Low final boiling point product