11. _________ is a cohesive solid.
Correct answer: (C)
Wet clay
12. _________ is defined as the geometric mean of the relative rejections and the relative recoveries of two minerals.
Correct answer: (B)
Selectivity index
13. _________ is the most commonly used 'filter aid'.
Correct answer: (A)
Diatomaceous earth
14. _________ is the most suitable for compounding rubber and plastic solids.
Correct answer: (A)
Banbury mixer
15. _________ is used for producing a thick suspension from a thin slurry.
Correct answer: (C)
Pressure filter thickener
16. _________ mean diameter of particles is given by Σ (xi/Dpi ⃗)
Correct answer: (B)
17. _________ mill is normally used for grinding of talc.
Correct answer: (C)
18. _________ mill is not a revolving mill.
Correct answer: (C)
19. _________ mill is not used for grinding wheat into flour and for milling of cereals & other vegetable products.
Correct answer: (D)
20. _________ mills are termed as disintegrators.
Correct answer: (A)