Materials and Construction

51. Addition of tungsten to steel imparts

  1. Magnetic properties
  2. Cutting hardness
  3. Corrosion resistance
  4. Ductility

Correct answer: (B)
Cutting hardness

52. Age hardening is concerned with

  1. Copper
  2. Brass
  3. Duralumin
  4. Silver

Correct answer: (C)

53. Alinco, which is a aluminium-cobalt-nickel steel, is used for making

  1. Surgical instruments
  2. Powerful magnets
  3. Chemical equipments
  4. Boiler tubes

Correct answer: (B)
Powerful magnets

54. All materials obey Hooke's law within elastic limit. When elastic limit is reached, the tensile strain

  1. Increases very quickly
  2. Decreases very quickly
  3. Increases in proportion to stress
  4. Decreases in proportion to stress

Correct answer: (A)
Increases very quickly

55. Alpha iron is stable _________ °C.

  1. Above 1403
  2. Upto 910
  3. Above 1800
  4. Between 910 & 1403

Correct answer: (B)
Upto 910

56. Aluminium alloy is one of the most suitable materials of construction for aircrafts mainly due to its

  1. High strength to weight ratio
  2. Low temperature strength properties
  3. Its ability to be cast, rolled, forged & stamped
  4. High strength and corrosion & oxidation-resistance at elevated temperature

Correct answer: (A)
High strength to weight ratio

57. Aluminium as a material of construction suffers from the disadvantage of

  1. Very high cost
  2. Rather low tensile strength
  3. Very low strength to weight ratio
  4. Scarce availability

Correct answer: (B)
Rather low tensile strength

58. Aluminium storage vessel can be used to store

  1. Aqua regia
  2. Ferrous sulphate
  3. Hydrochloric acid (10%)
  4. None of these

Correct answer: (D)
None of these

59. Ammonium chloride solution is stored/ treated in _________ vessels/pipes.

  1. Plain carbon steel
  2. Stainless steel
  3. Rubber or durmet-20 lined
  4. Lead

Correct answer: (C)
Rubber or durmet-20 lined

60. Among the tin containing alloys, _________ consumes the maximum amount of tin.

  1. Solder
  2. White metal
  3. Pewter metal
  4. Bronzes

Correct answer: (A)

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